Housewife Life

This is where I will start posting cute sayings from my boys, pictures where appropriate, and occasionally, my view of the world. That's all folks!

Friday, August 25, 2006


What is up with SciFi? If I were Ben Browder and Claudia Black, I'd take a contract with a SciFi show with a few caveats--Like you can't cancel it immediately! From what I can tell, SciFi can only handle producing so many shows at a time. They (the magic they) are going to produce a prequel for Battlestar Galactica set on Caprica during the time of the first Cylons. So they cancelled SG-1. Right after its 200 episode. Thankfully MGM, who owns the rights to all things Stargate, are going to move it to another channel. Farscape (MY show) got cancelled because they (the same magical they) decided to produce a spin-off of SG-1, which ended up being Stargate Atlantis. I like it plenty, but they really stole a lot from Farscape. Except Claudia Black and Ben Browder. But they both ended up on SG-1, so it was o.k. Now, it's not o.k. Run Ben! Run Claudia! Keep away from the skiffy!
Next rant, I almost got ran off the road today by a truck that waved as he pulled in front of me. O.K. the road narrows from four lanes down to two with lots of signage. He races past all the people behind me at the light and gets caught at the narrowing place. I guess I looked like the most likely to yield (mini-van with two sleeping kids in the back) so he just moved on over. I put on the horn and he waved. Like that made it o.k. Jerkity-jerk bad driver jerk. With really bad manners. "Look, I have a big white ford truck, so I own the road." *wave* His mama would be proud, I'm sure.
There you have it, todays rants. Enjoy and discuss.


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